Skin Safe with Australian Gold

Stay Skin Safe this Summer


Stay Skin Safe this Summer with Australian Gold. Before you head to your favorite beach or start your outdoor workout, remember to keep you and your family safe from the sun’s rays!

Top Skin Safe Tips

  • It’s recommended to apply sunscreen 15 minutes before heading out into the sun, and then every 2 hours afterwards
  • When swimming, it’s recommended to reapply after 40-80 minutes and immediately after towel drying
  • It’s recommended to use at least SPF 30 or more – this means it will take 30 times longer for skin to begin to burn than it would without sunscreen
  • How much sunscreen should I use? It's recommended that the average person use approximately 1 fluid ounce each time they apply sunscreen


Did You Know?


There are two types of UV (ultraviolet) rays?

1. UVA are responsible for skin ageing

2. UVB are responsible for sunburns


A sunscreen with Broad Spectrum protection, protects you from both UVA and UVB rays.

Benefits of Australian Gold!

  • The range is 100% reef safe
  • Australian Gold is proud to be a cruelty-free organization
  • Australian Gold Botanical Mineral Sunscreens range – using mineral active ingredients, also known as “physical blockers”. This type of sunscreen sits on top of the skin to deflect and scatter UVA and UVB rays. Plus this range is less likely to irritate the skin, making them an excellent choice for those with sensitive skin. They are also long-lasting and do not contain chemicals that could be harmful to your health.
  • Every Australian Gold Botanical product contains three Australian botanical ingredients for additional skincare benefits. Kakadu Plum, Eucalyptus and Red Algae.   

Find the Australian Gold range in stores across the Cayman Islands.